Hello, the purpose of this web site is to show others my achievements, share my passion and hopefully be of some inspiration. I believe that if I can grow as an artist, anyone can….it’s just a matter of will and perseverance.
I currently live in Perth, Western Australia where the environment and weather conditions beg to be celebrated creatively. So please take a few moments to browse through my site. It would give me great pleasure if you experience some of the enjoyment that I get from producing my art.
For me it is a never-ending, ever-evolving and creative journey. One in which I hope to inspire you to also pick up your art equipment (whatever medium that may be) and delve into the creative world. You never know where it may lead and I believe there is no better satisfaction and reward than seeing your very own creation displayed on a wall.

It would be great to hear your comments and if you are interested in a portrait of your favourite animal, you can contact me via email. I look forward to hearing from you.
My art is currently on display with other local artists at the ‘Art House’ in Kelmscott, which is part of the Armadale Society of Artists (inc) – www.armadalesocietyofartists.com.au open on Fridays and Saturdays between 10am to 3pm.
If you are interested in drawing (am) and watercolour (pm) tutorials on Thursdays during school terms, please contact me for more information.
I hope to see you at one of these venues or classes one day!
Above all…..Enjoy.