Wow!!! This year has gone so quickly and has been amazing as the last! I have been very prolific in painting and getting out there!!
October 2010 was a busy and exciting experience for me, attending a great exhibition at La Salles where I sold a number of paintings! The organisers deserve a mention for their unique display too – really well set out and a fantastic exhibition. On the same weekend I also won an award for “Coming Through” at the WA Watercolour Society Annual Exhibition, which was very exciting and humbling all in one.
2011 has proven to be just as busy, with ongoing classes and my participation in a market down south over easter called Denmark Arts, which was thorougly enjoyable and again rewarding. Check out their web site for coming events. On return I was asked to do a demonstration for the Armadale Society of Artists, which went extremely well and was complimented for some time after…
Along with the above experience Dot Marshall and myself had a wonderful and very successful exhibition together….. We sold a number of paintings including my most precious innovative pictures, ‘Boundaries’ and ‘Deliverance’….Both have gone to wonderful homes to be enjoyed by many not just myself…(Thank you to all that purchased one of my pictures.)
On the same week I entered into the Byford Progress exhibition, and sold both my entries “Freedom” and “Liberty”…What a wonderful suprise, the week had caused me to feel quite humble and lost for words… I didn’t think anything else could top such success, until I entered into the Watercolour Society of WA. Where the year was topped with a first prize in the Innovative section with “Beyond Outer Limits”.. From this I was asked if I could do a demonstration for my peers, within the society, about how I come about my innovative….Eeeek!!! This request caused some delma, for how do you tap into my mind?? OMG…But for the most the demo went exceedingly well with some wonderful feedback.
So my year 2011 has been exhilerating and looking forward to the following year with gusto…Still have the desire to join the Watercolour Society of Victoria…with my commitments during the past year this has been delayed to the following year 2012. Wish me luck
Merry Xmas to one and all