Where do I begin…..I have thought hard about this and it would be remiss of me not to mention my shame when I was about 7 years old. I remember I was very excited about a picture that I’d traced from a colouring-in book. My mother was in rapture of my effort but it was my first true feeling of guilt for having copied it…so the fascination with developing art and drawing began. I had a driving desire from that point to learn to produce my own art. Spell-bound by shades and tones, negative versus positive space, with light at a premium.
My whole life has been surrounded by animals – from best friend to protector. With my fascination for art, the two blend together brilliantly and very naturally. Also, I have always sketched hence the two things are in my blood. Like a marriage between art and animals – creativity and nature.

Eyes are a great draw card for me. They are so emotional and tell the story of your character just by looking into them – ‘windows to the soul’ as they say. All animals achieve this look – horses, dogs and cats. I have always thought animals communicate with their eyes. .
Kiwi by birth, I lived in New Zealand during my most impressionable teenage years and went to Fraser High School in Hamilton. It was here that I had a wonderful art teacher called Miss Middleton who was my first inspiration. She constantly motivated me to do my best and had it not been for her encouragement and confidence in me, I would not be where I am today.
On return to Australia I completed an Art and Design course and discovered that I was quite good at graphic design and sculpture. Since then I have played with all sorts of media and creative arts including oil, pastel, acrylic, embossing and even lead-lighting, print-making and spinning wool!
Watercolour has inspired me the most though as I believe it is the most difficult medium for painting, yet the most satisfying. It allows me to let go of my inhibitions. I’m not quite sure where this will lead, but it can only be exciting
family portrait
For the last four years I have had a stall at the Kalamunda Market where I sell my art along side another local artist Yvonne Lane. We are affectionately known as the ‘Village Painters’. I also do demonstrations and animal portraits there so please come along and say hello one day, we love to share our work..
I have to thank Pam White for encouraging me to let my creative side flourish. I am ready for the next step in my achievements and to follow my heart…. wherever that may lead!
Please take a look at my on-line gallery and join me in my journey…. you are welcolme to leave feedback or contact me to discuss anything further.